If you are looking for supplemental material for your grammar program or are in search of practical exercises that will boost your pupils' language confidence, this invaluable resource has it all! Teach Terrific Grammar, Grades 4-5 features more than 160 self-correcting grammar lessons in a fun puzzle format--complete with answer key--versatile enough to be adapted to any existing program or approach.
(This is 2007 version! But I can not find out the reason of deference between my book cover page vs the 1st page on amazon.com)
Our national language, and the culture from which it has formed, is the rightful inheritance of all English-speaking people. It deserves to be taught with knowledge and respect. English is now spoken, also, by more than 500 million people around the world. They need the opportunity to learn to speak and write it confidently, and correctly. Grammar provides a language to talk about language. As a mechanic needs naming words for the parts of an engine, so a student needs naming words for the components of speech and writing.
*Grammar time reflects the likes and interests of young learners and puts grammar in imaginative and humorous contexts that make learning fun.
*Grammar Time gives learners all the support they need with detailed reference tables and grammar notes. *Special Tip' boxes appear next to the tasks to give useful advice on common difficulties.
*Easy-to-follow grammar practice in carefully graded learning steps.
*Articles from the 'Teenlink' magazine present language in realistic situations.
*Additional writing and oral practice at the end of each unit.
*Regular revision units and a comprehensive wordlist at the back.
is a reference grammar and practical workbook combined. This edition retains the popular format of the original book, consolidating and extending the productive range of the advanced student. Students preparing for the Certificate of Proficiency in English or equivalent examinations will find the book particularly relevant to their needs.