You're no idiot, of course. You know it's unhealthy to obsess about a waiter's insulting remarks, and you're tired of hearing your "best friend" remind you of your shortcomings. But when it comes to actually confronting the verbal bullies in your life, you feel like your yellow streak has turned into stripes. Don't swallow your pride just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Verbal Self-Defense, by best-selling author Dr. Lillian Glass, shows you how to take control of the situation.
Secret Guide To Making Ninja Weapons
Ninja Weapons have a great demand in this society today. Many people
wants to practice the Art of the Silent Way but cannot afford to
purchase the equipment that is needed. The ninjas decided to use their
great capability and make their own inexpensive weapons. This was one
of the reason this book was written.
This guide is designed to help anyone involved with the preparation
of language tests, and particularly those wishing to make use of the Council of
Europe's "Common European Framework of Reference for languages: Learning,
,teaching, assessment". The
aim has been to make the content of the guide relevant not only to test
constructors preparing tests in a more formal context such as state
examinations, but also to teachers working on school tests. Achieving the
correct balance in trying to meet the needs of these two groups has presented
something of a challenge; for this reason, readers are encouraged to consider
and implement the advice contained in this guide in the light of their purpose
in preparing tests and the amount of time and resources they have available.
The focus is largely on matters of process
rather than those of product, in the belief that suitable products emerge from
clear principles and well-designed processes rather than the other way round.
English Style Guide A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission Published by European Commission Directorate-General for Translatio