The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics offers a comprehensive introduction and reference point to the discipline of linguistics. This wide-ranging survey of the field brings together a range of perspectives, covering all the key areas of linguistics and drawing on interdisciplinary research in subjects such as anthropology, psychology and sociology. With extensive coverage of both theoretical and applied linguistic topics, The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics is an indispensable resource for students and researchers working in this area.
International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work: Bridging Academic and Vocational Learning: 1-6
This six-volume handbook covers the latest practice in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). It presents TVET models from all over the world, reflections on the best and most innovative practice, and dozens of telling case studies. The handbook presents the work of established as well as the most promising young researchers and features unrivalled coverage of developments in research, policy and practice in TVET.
Featuring contributions from leading scholars in the field, The Handbook of Narrative Analysis is the first comprehensive collection of sociolinguistic scholarship on narrative analysis to be published.
With over 2,000 miles of navigable waterway in the UK, Britain's Canals are an asset to be treasured by everyone. Nick Corble has written an accessible guide which will help you get the best out of a visit or a boating holiday on the canal network. Whether your interest lies in the history, the flora and fauna to be found along the towpath, or even the types of boats and their decoration, there is enough in Britain's Canals: A Handbook to inform and entertain.
Warriner's Handbook, Teacher's Edition, provides carefully crafted instruction and abundant practice exercises to help students become strong writers. The Chapter Tests booklet contains chapter tests for the first eighteen chapters of Warriner’s Handbook, Second Course. Each test, which is presented in the multiple-choice format of a standardized test, gives teachers a means for assessing students' grasp of key English-language conventions taught in grade eight. An Answer Key is included.