Men's Health (MH), published by Rodale Inc. in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, United States, is the world’s largest men’s magazine brand, with 38 editions around the world, a monthly circulation of 1.85 million, and 12 million monthly readers.
The Encyclopedia of Foods : A Guide to Healthy Nutrition is a definitive resource for what to eat for maximum health as detailed by medical and nutritional experts.
Sick of looking at the blank walls of your gym? Frustrated by not having a complete view of your workout? Annoyed by those tiny pictures in workout books? The solution is at hand.
Edited by: stovokor - 29 March 2009
Reason: No need to double a sinle link, inserting in the url box is just fine, thank you :)
Many women crave a sense of order and control, but have no idea how to attain it-and find themselves overwhelmed with a thousand daily details. Now, the women who established the popular Simple Steps program show readers how to calm and simplify their life in just ten weeks. Each week, women will learn a new Simple Step for addressing key areas in their lives: weight, health, home, and spirit. And before they know it, they'll be breathing easier...and living better than ever before.
U.S. News & World Report This magazine provides world and international weekly news with an analytical and anticipatory focus. Its extensive business and economic coverage is complemented with practical news for a general readership. In addition, it contains life management information on personal finance, health technology, education and other matters which impact its readers' lives.