When private investigator Carlotta Carlyle is wakened by a late-night phone call, she discovers that her “little sister,” Paolina, the child with whom she was paired years ago by a local mentoring program, is missing. Carlotta combs the Boston streets looking for Paolina, torn between anger at the thoughtless teenage runaway and anxiety that something has really happened to her
Who are your best friends? Do they know how much they mean to you? Would you like to make them each something special? Inside you will learn how to make 10 awesome origami gifts - a Fortune-teller, a Rose, an Eight-petaled Flower, a Gift Box, a Friendship Ring, a Classic Crane, an Iris, a Star Bracelet, a Puffy Heart and a Heart in Bloom.
The Philosophy of Horror: Or, Paradoxes of the Heart
Noel Carroll, film scholar and philosopher, offers the first serious look at the aesthetics of horror. In this book he discusses the nature and narrative structures of the genre, dealing with horror as a "transmedia" phenomenon. A fan and serious student of the horror genre, Carroll brings to bear his comprehensive knowledge of obscure and forgotten works, as well as of the horror masterpieces.
Judge Crowdy Lobbett knew too much about the sinister Simister gang. So Simister had him followed wherever he went and tried to kill him. He followed him across America across the Atlantic to the heart of England to mystery mile where he encountered Albert Campion.
"I won't! I won't!"-Those are Elizabeth's favourite words. Hoping to get sent back home, she tries every trick she knows, and indeed she knows many-breaking rules, being rude and being sternly disobedient. However, she has a heart of gold beneath her bad behaviour, and when she meets a girl with a broken heart, it has strange effects on her.