A stinkbomb becomes a deadly weapon in Horrid Henry's long-running war with Moody Margaret; he uses all his guile to win the school reading competition, only to find the longed-for prize is not what he expected; he goes for a sleepover and retreats in horror when he finds that other people's houses aren't always as nice as his own; and he has the joy of seeing Miss Battle-Axe ticked off by the Head when he knows it was all his fault. In short, another vintage HORRID HENRY title!
The Tudor knight was the first line of defence employed by monarchs from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, the last of a long tradition of knighthood dating back to the 11th century. Knighthood during the Tudor era saw reforms in recruitment, appearance, and most radically in training and equipment. This book details those changes, profiling the knight's appearance and dress, life on campaign, and experience of battle in France, Scotland and Ireland. It also explores the concept of chivalry, as sensationally enacted by Henry VIII and Francis I of France at the celebrated Field of Cloth of Gold near Calais, in 1520.
Francesca Simon’s truly horrific little boy is a monstrously enjoyable creation. Parents love them because Henry makes their own little darlings seem like angels. Henry might be unbelievably naughty, totally wicked, and utterly horrid, but he is frequently credited with converting the most reluctant readers into enthusiastic ones…superb in its simplicity.
There's a snowman-building contest in town and the grand prize is a year's supply of free ice cream Horrid Henry just has to beat Moody Margaret and her dumb old ballerina snowman. So Henry makes the biggest monster snowman ever. But Henry might have to use a few last-minute tricks to win this one. Plus three other stories that won't melt.
When Perfect Peter's tooth falls out, Henry gets a great idea. He will steal the tooth and put it under his own pillow so that the Tooth Fairy gives him the reward instead of Peter. Will the Tooth Fairy fall for it? Plus three other stories so funny they are sure to make your teeth fall out. (Okay, not really…)