Edexcel GCSE Maths: Linear Higher Student Book and Active Book
In the field of GCSE Mathematics, Edexcel is the right formula for success, used by the majority of schools and colleges. This motivating Student Book is written to be accessible to all students. It contains thousands of questions that progress gradually to help provide you with sufficient support and extension material for all grades in both tiers.
Towards Higher Categories (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications)
The purpose of this book is to give background for those who would like to delve into some higher category theory. It is not a primer on higher category theory itself. It begins with a paper by John Baez and Michael Shulman which explores informally, by analogy and direct connection, how cohomology and other tools of algebraic topology are seen through the eyes of n-category theory.
Added by: Mark_Adib | Karma: 11.07 | Black Hole | 7 May 2011
Learn 7 Rules For Exellent English
Here are 7 rules for learners of English.The series include a text plus audio in order to teach some important rules about how to get your English in a higher level.
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Made Men: The True Rise-and-Fall Story of a New Jersey Mob Family
It wasn't until the success of "The Sopranos" that New Jersey's powerful DeCavalcante family became legitimized in the eyes of big city capos. But a higher profile meant higher risk. Member turned against member, and eventually one of them turned to reporter Greg B. Smith to expose the rise and fall of one of the most notorious families in America.
Added by: szpulka | Karma: 25.11 | Black Hole | 15 February 2011
Global Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Resource CD
Filled with intellectually-engaging content, Global enables students to learn through English and about English in its most international form. Global features a wide range of task types, with a focus on critical thinking throughout.
The reading texts are taken from a wide variety of sources, with a strong literacy strand. At higher levels learners are encouraged to interact with the text itself and read it more critically.
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