In this complete survey of the theories, methods, and key findings within applied linguistics, students are introduced to core research questions and the various approaches to tackling these.Provides a comprehensive introduction to this interdisciplinary field of research and practice, dealing with practical issues of language and communication
Introduction to Pragmatics guides students through traditional and new approaches in the field, focusing particularly on phenomena at the elusive semantics/pragmatics boundary to explore the role of context in linguistic communication.
By understanding the processes that underlie language ability, we can help develop more effective ways to teach people to read and make the books they read easier to understand. Language also offers a window onto human cognition more generally - research into signed languages has shed light onto how the brain processes and represents information. "Psycholinguistics 101" serves as a comprehensive introduction to the basic issues in psycholinguistic research, including its history and the methodologies typically employed in research. The book covers four topics that currently dominate the field.
Ancient Greek Lyrics collects Willis Barnstone's elegant translations of Greek lyric poetry—including the most complete Sappho in English, newly translated. This volume includes a representative sampling of all the significant poets, from Archilochos, in the 7th century BCE, through Pindar and the other great singers of the classical age, down to the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods. William E. McCulloh's introduction illuminates the forms and development of the Greek lyric while Barnstone provides a brief biographical and literary sketch for each poet and adds a substantial introduction to Sappho—revised for this edition—complete with notes and sources.
Lesson Study has been actively introduced from Japan to various parts of the world, starting with the US. Such introduction is heavily connected with a focus on mathematics education and there is a strong misconception that Lesson Study is only for mathematics or science. The introduction is usually done at the departmental or form level and there has been a strong question about its sustainability in schools.