In a miracle of concision, Paul S. Boyer provides a wide-ranging and authoritative history of America, capturing in a compact space the full story of our nation. Ranging from the earliest Native American settlers to the presidency of Barack Obama, this Very Short Introduction offers an illuminating account of politics, diplomacy, and war as well as the full spectrum of social, cultural, and scientific developments that shaped our country.
An Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy presents insight and analysis from 20 of the foremost experts in the theoretical and practice areas of family therapy, offering a unique blend of approaches and styles. Chapters draw on each author's area of expertise in exploring the history of family therapy and the application of systems theory to families. Ideal as a comprehensive resource for entry-level students, the book also gives undergraduates a glimpse of graduate training and provides useful tips on how to apply to graduate school and what to expect while shopping for graduate education.
The Education Reform Act has established assessment as the measure by which the implementation of the National Curriculum and school success will be judged. Current initiatives assume, for the first time, the possibility of a new partnership beteen curriculum and assessment. This book is designed to provide a practical understanding of recent examination and assessment developments at secondary level, and will be particularly useful to students and practising teachers. It examines the introduction of the GCSE, the use of profiling, equal opportunities issues, examinations at 16+ and the assessment of school-leavers for training and employment.
Any serious student attempting to better understand the nature, methods and justification of science will value Alex Rosenberg’s updated and substantially revised Third Edition of Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction. Weaving together lucid explanations and clear analyses, the volume is a much-used, thematically oriented introduction to the field.
A gentle introduction to grammar for all ages! Clear signposting of grammar topics and short units that can be used in any order make the books easy to use alongside any upper primary/lower secondary beginner's course.
Ideal for Young Learners English Tests preparation.