Whether searching for shipwrecks, new species, or lost civilizations under the waters' depths, deep sea divers use math to keep themselves safe and alive. How Deep Sea Divers Use Math shows how these underwater explorers use math to delve into the deepest oceans every day. Concepts and skills emphasized include: •Number Sense and Operations •Problem Solving •Estimation •Measurement •Data Analysis •Algebraic Thinking •Geometry and Spatial Sense.
Symplectic Geometry (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
The area of symplectic geometry has developed rapidly in the past ten years with major new discoveries that were motivated by and have provided links with many other subjects such as dynamical systems, topology, gauge theory, mathematical physics, and singularity theory. The contributions to this volume reflect the richness of the subject and include expository papers as well as original research.
Yoga Journal is the magazine for health and conscious living. The publication, which was founded in 1975, focuses on the body-mind-spirit connection and its importance in personal development. Topics covered regularly include yoga, Eastern spirituality, Western mysticism, holistic medicine, body work, martial arts and meditation.
Challenges provides Coursebooks that can be completed in one year, giving students a clear sense of progress Informative and engaging topics that involve teenagers in their learning Unique features include word building, text building and sentence patterns Characters that promote positive values and use real spoken language.
This book gives both aspiring and seasoned songwriters a powerful new approach to writing songs, focusing on common obstacles in the songwriting process and techniques to help songwriters overcome them. Each chapter goes to the root of a specific songwriting problem and provides exercises to help readers over the hurdles and put their new skills to work. Topics include writing approach, purpose, structure, melodic significance and construction, basic music theory, word meaning, word design and arrangement, chords