From Odysseus to Aeneas, from Beowulf to King Arthur, from the Mahabharata to the Ossetian "Nart" tales, epic heroes and their stories have symbolized the power of the human imagination. Drawing on diverse disciplines including classics, anthropology, psychology, and literary studies, this product of twenty years' scholarship provides a detailed typology of the hero in Western myth.
In classical antiquity, there was much interest in necromancy--the consultation of the dead for divination. People could seek knowledge from the dead by sleeping on tombs, visiting oracles, and attempting to reanimate corpses and skulls. Ranging over many of the lands in which Greek and Roman civilizations flourished, including Egypt, from the Greek archaic period through the late Roman empire, this book is the first comprehensive survey of the subject ever published in any language.
The Princeton Review offers the most complete and effective preparation for the TOEFL iBT. Their unique approach to standardized tests has not only significantly boosted the students’ scores, but it’s also revolutionized the test-prep industry. Each year Cracking the TOEFL iBT is republished and updated, 2009 edition book has new chapter to help you practice your speaking, including sample responses, additional grammar review to brush up on your basics. More than 175 practice questions, plus 1 full-length simulated TOEFL iBT with audio sections on CD.
As the International Criminal Court ushers in a new era in the protection of human rights, William Schabas reviews the history of international criminal prosecution; the drafting of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the principles of its operation (including the scope of its jurisdiction and the procedural regime). This revised edition considers the court's start-up preparations, including election of judges and prosecutor. It also addresses the difficulties created by U.S. opposition, and analyzes the various measures taken by Washington to obstruct the Court.
Edited by: stovokor - 9 June 2009
Saveur is for people who experience the world food first. It was created to satisfy the hunger for genuine information about food in all its contexts. With its emphasis on heritage and tradition, home cooking and real food, the magazine evokes the flavors of food from around the world (including forgotten pockets of culinary excellence in the United States).