This lavishly illustrated guide is the perfect accompaniment for your trip to India, with regional coverage stretching from the Great Himalayas of the north to the tropical peninsular of the south. Packed with 3D aerial views, cutaways and floorplans of all the major sites, and now with even more full-colour maps of towns and regions, you can get a great visual appetiser wherever you go. You can find out all you need to know with sights, beaches, markets and festivals, listed town by town and expert information on India's dizzying variety of highlights from the most magnificent palaces to where to find the best authentic Indian cuisine.
This new book represents a complete rewriting of Romila Thapar's hugely successful "History of India - Volume One", thirty-four years after it was first published. Incorporating the vast changes in knowledge developed during her lifetime, Thapar tells the extraordinary story of this great civilisation - a civilisation always based on diverse, often warring sources and that left the astounding buildings and beliefs that still fill India. This book is the authoritative history told with style andmeticulous attention to detail by the world's leading authority.
Gandhi: The Father of Modern India (What's Their Story?)
Age 6 and up
Mohandas Gandhi grew up in India at a time when it was ruled by a foreign power--Great Britain. Gandhi fought against the injustice of British people by leading peaceful marches and protests. Many times he was imprisoned for his beliefs, but through his leadership, Britain was finally forced to hand over power. Gandhi became leader of India, and "father of his people."
The world's most trusted source on travel, Lonely Planet has now made its way to India. Through vivid writing and stunning colour spreads from celebrated and seasoned travellers-writers and photographers, Lonely Planet Magazine (India) inspires travellers to sample different cultures first-hand, discover new people, and learn fascinating stories about every place.
The Long Walk - The True Story of a Trek to Freedom - Slavomir Rawicz
The harrowing true tale of seven escaped Soviet prisoners who desperately marched out of Siberia through China, the Gobi Desert, Tibet, and over the Himalayas to British India.