This book was written for students and young professionals in chemistry, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and economics, who have to do with chemical engineering in an academic or industrial setting.
This 3-volume thematic work provides critical assessment of the status and advancements in materials and fabrication of membranes, membrane based processes, and applications critical to industrial applications and research from fundamental and practical levels.
Paretsky's V. I. Warshawski becomes more believable with each appearance; in this nine-week PW bestseller and BOMC selection in cloth, the PI investigates a bond scheme that spans Chicago's industrial and legal worlds.
The Dawn of Innovation: The First American Industrial Revolution
In the thirty years after the Civil War, the United States blew by Great Britain to become the greatest economic power in world history. That is a well-known period in history, when titans like Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan walked the earth.