The book is divided into three parts. Part I contains three chapters that review different aspects of multicultural education and general guidelines for its implementation. Part II has five chapters. Each chapter explores how a specific point of division in our society (race, economics, culture, gender, and abilities/disabilities) affects children’s lives and worldviews and how we can encourage children to challenge inequities related to it. Part III is a story—a vision—of how families and schools, using the insights and skills described in the previous chapters, can critically and compassionately collaborate
Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a New Learning Science (v. 2)
This book provides new insights about learning by synthesising existing and emerging findings from cognitive and brain science and exploring how this new information might impact teaching, parenting, and educational policy making. It shows what the latest brain imaging techniques and other advances in the neurosciences actually reveal about how the brain develops and operates at different stages in life from birth to old age and how the brain is involved in acquiring skills such as reading and counting.
Art and Knowledge argues that the experience of art is so rewarding because it can be an important source of knowledge about ourselves and our relation to each other and to the world. He argues that all the arts, including music, are importantly representational. This kind of representation is fundamentally different from that found in the sciences, but it can provide insights as important and profound as available from the sciences. Art and Knowledge is an exceptionally clear and interesting, as well as controversial, exploration of what art is and why it is valuable.
Drawing on nearly forty years of tarot experience, Mary K. Greer has developed a new energizing approach-made up of twenty-one stimulating techniques-to interpret or deepen your understanding of each card. Just as the twenty-one letters of the alphabet can be combined to form billions of words, Greer's twenty-one methods can be used in any combination for gaining amazing new insights and perspectives.
Culture, Language and Personality: Selected Essays by Edward Sapir
Edward Sapir was one of those men, rare among scientists and scholars, who are spoken of by their colleagues in terms of genius. His writings on frontier problems in cultural anthropology, psychology, and linguistics are outstanding for their provocative insights and remarkable control of factual data.