Your Mortgage and How To Pay It Off In Five Years (Audiobook, MP3)
How many more decades before your mortgage is paid off? How many tens of thousands of dollars in interest will you pay between now and then? This book shows how to free yourself. Anita Bell and her husband, Jim, paid off a three-bedroom brick home on a combined income of less than $50,000 when interest rates were at 17%. And they did it in three years.
Payback is murder. A beautiful woman paid it with her body. A seedy lawyer used somebody else’s money. It’s the vig—the exorbitant interest mob loan sharks take on their money. Now, in the City by the Bay, everyone has to pay…
The first book on Prognostics and Health Management of Electronics Recently, the field of prognostics for electronic products has received increased attention due to the potential to provide early warning of system failures, forecast maintenance as needed, and reduce life cycle costs. In response to the subject's growing interest among industry, government, and academic professionals, this book provides a road map to the current challenges and opportunities for research and development in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM).
This book is intended to introduce a new generation of readers to a poet who after two millennia still speaks to us. It is written not for classical scholars (though they, too, might fi nd in it points of interest), but for readers of Ovid who would like to know more about what they are reading.
Romani is a language of Indo-Aryan origin which is spoken in Europe by the people known as ‘Gypsies’ (who usually refer to themselves as Rom). There are upwards of 3.5 million speakers, and their language has attracted increasing interest both from scholars and from policy makers in governments and other organisations during the past ten years.