Grammar Activities 1 is for students at a mid-intermediate level including those just beginning a course for the Cambridge First Certificate examination. It is intended as a coursebook supplement. It provides presentation and consolidation, using a variety of contexts and approaches, of grammatical areas which cause learners problems at this level. It contains 76 free-standing worksheets arranged alphabetically by grammar point and five review worksheets. Where there are several worksheets that focus on the same grammatical area, they are ordered from simple to complex so they can be used independently or in sequence.
Traveller Intermediate B1 Workbook Teacher's EditionTraveller is an exciting seven-Level course for Teenage and young adult learners, That Takes Them from Beginner to Advanced Level. It FOLLOWS the Requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the Modular Approach and is Organized into eight topic-based modules.
Traveller Intermediate B1 Teacher's book (TB)Учебное пособие Traveller Intermediate B1 Teacher's book (TB) содержит продублированную Student's book с ответами
Traveller is an exciting seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic-based modules.
Visit the ruins of the lost city of Machu Picchu and other remains of the Inca culture to explore the daily life, religion, farming and food of the Inca.