Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Kids | 20 March 2009
Find out how to use the INTERNET to locate the information you need! Learn Inside! - History Of The Internet - Famous Internet People - Proper Netiquette - Searching The World Wide Web Plus Tell People About Your Day Using Emoticons
As Internet-based commerce becomes commonplace, it is important that we examine the systems used for these financial transactions. Underlying each system is a set of assumptions, particularly about trust and risk. To evaluate systems, and thus to determine one’s own risks, requires an understanding of the dimensions of trust: security, privacy, and reliability.
In this book Jean Camp focuses on two major yet frequently overlooked issues in the design of Internet commerce systemsâ ”trust and risk. Trust and risk are closely linked. The level of risk can be determined by looking at who trusts whom in Internet commerce transactions. Who will pay, in terms of money and data, if trust is misplaced? When the inevitable early failures occur, who will be at risk? Who is “liable” when there is a trusted third party? Why is it necessary to trust this party? What exactly is this party trusted to do? To answer such questions requires an understanding of security, record-keeping, privacy, and reliability.
Are you tangled in the World Wide Web? As a parent, the Internet can seem intimidating--especially if you're trying to give your kids a tour. Jean Armour Polly, publisher of Net-Mom News, has come to the rescue with this extraordinary resource packed with thousands of educational and entertaining sites. As hefty as a phone book, this third edition is updated for 1999 and includes a bonus CD-ROM with Internet games and tutorials for the whole family.
An exploration of the benefits and problems of using the Internet in education. This book walks us through specific efforts by the authors to integrate Internet technology into their classroom teaching, but what clearly galls both of them is that deeper questions about how to properly educate students are getting lost in the hype over equipment, technical wizardry and on-line chatter.