Publishers Weekly, familiarly known in the book world as PW and "the bible of the book business," is a weekly news magazine focused on the international book publishing business. It is targeted at publishers, booksellers, librarians, literary agents, authors and the media. It offers feature articles and news on all aspects of the book business, bestsellers lists in a number of categories, and industry statistics, but its best known service is pre-publication book reviews, publishing some 9,000 per year.
The stages-of-change model has become widely known as a framework for conceptualizing recovery. Less well known are the processes that drive movement through the stages or how the stages apply to becoming addicted. From Carlo C. DiClemente, codeveloper of the transtheoretical model, this book offers a panoramic view of the entire continuum of addictive behavior change.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 2 July 2016
The story of the Maya has been "in the writing" for more than sixteen hundred years in fact, ever since the early part of the fourth century of the Christian Era, when the ancient Maya themselves began to carve their earliest known records on stone monuments.
he wretched and landless poor have existed from the time of the earliest British colonial settlement. They were alternately known as "waste people", "offals", "rubbish", "lazy lubbers", and "crackers". By the 1850s the downtrodden included so-called "clay eaters" and "sandhillers", known for prematurely aged children distinguished by their yellowish skin, ragged clothing, and listless minds.
Few civilisations have had such an impact on the modern world as Ancient Greece. It’s the birthplace of democracy, medicine, philosophy, and of course the Olympics, but it was also home to some of the fiercest warriors known to man. In this edition, we explore boths sides of this incredible nation.