Have you noticed that soon after learning a new study material you remember very little of it? The less you have a chance to rehearse what you have learned, the greater the speed with which the newly acquired knowledge evaporates from your memory. It has long been known that repetitio est mater studiorum (Latin: repetition is the mother of learning). In other words, the best way to remember is to make repetitions of the learned material. However, you might find it quite frustrating when you have to repeat old subjects while your teachers or supervisors still want you to know more and more new material. When are you supposed to find time for both?
Using full colour throughout and written by leading teachers and writers, Learning Made Simple books build on a rich legacy of over 50 years as leading publishers helping to learn new skills and develop their talents.
Whether studying at college, training at work, or reading at home, aiming for a qualification or simply getting up to speed, Learning Made Simple Books will give readers the advantage of easy, well-organized training materials in a handy volume you can refer to again and again.
Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and Practice by Tim S. Roberts
Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and
Practice provides a resource for researchers and practitioners in the
area of online collaborative learning (also known as CSCL,
computer-supported collaborative learning), particularly those working
within a tertiary education environment. It includes articles of
relevance to those interested in both theory and practice in this area.
It attempts to answer such important current questions as: how can
groups with shared goals work collaboratively using the new
technologies? What problems can be expected, and what are the benefits?
In what ways does online group work differ from face-to-face group
work? And what implications are there for both educators and students
seeking to work in this area?
Learning Language in Logic by James Cussens and Saso Dzeroski
Book Description
This book provides a self-contained
introduction to Learning Language in Logic (LLL) and, at the same time,
competently surveys the current state of the art of research in the
area. The book has its origin in the first LLL workshop which took
place in Bled, Slovenia in June 1999. Beyond revised workshop papers, a
number of additional chapters were solicited from leading researchers
in order to achieve complete coverage of all current aspects and to
introduce the new area to a broader audience.
the first book devoted to LLL, this thoroughly cross-reviewed
state-of-the-art survey will become a valuable source of reference for
researchers active in the area. Newcomers or professionals interested
in advanced LLL applications will find this book an ideal guide to an
exciting new field.
Ideas and Issues Threshold Ideal for young adults (age 16+) in need of motivation for language learning.
Ideas and Issues Threshoeld is a combined Student's Book and Workbook that is ideal for young adults in need of motivation for language learning.
The 20 units provide:
four skills work to enliven the lower-intermediate class
dynamic revision for a fresh look at basic language
topic based on authentic situations which students can identify with
extra learning-to-learn unit to help students develop their own language acquisition atrategies
ten units in American Engilsh, ten units in British English
Key language, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises in context, with a wide range of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities