In this book, you will have an opportunity to investigate a special kind of writing that is particularly useful in your everyday life, at home and at work.
To create an effective letter, writer needs three sets of skills: 1. A good knowledge of mechanics (spelling, grammar, etc.)
2. The ability to structure good sentences and paragraphs
3. A familiarity with the conventions readers have come to expect when reading letters.
You have already had a lot of practice with the first two skills.
The only one left to master is the conventions (arrangement of details) within the letter.
Academic Studies English - Introduction to Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension means understanding and remembering the ideas you find as you read. As you know, reading begins by learning the shapes of letters and the sounds they represent. When letters are written in groups, they become words. Words are just groups of symbols that stand for the names of things, actions, and ideas that you see, hear, smell, touch or taste every day.
WriteExpress 3,001 Business & Sales Letters – незаменимый помощник для тех, кто хотел бы сэкономить время и усилия при составлении коммерческой корреспонденции, рекламы или писем формального характера. Never again be at a loss for words! 3,001 Business & Sales Letters is a deluxe version of Easy Letters. You get all 2,100+ award-winning business, sales and personal letters, plus 901 additional sales letters that will help you sell more with attention-getting messages and persuasive sales copy! Close the deal with the perfect sales letter.
Added by: snwwte | Karma: 3109.25 | Kids, Other | 5 February 2013
The game is for pupils who are developing their English skills. It explores the use of verbs and will consolidate every day school language. The game also emphasises sentence structure and highlights the use of capital letters and full stops. It contains a number of reception key words and can reinforce recognition of these words.
Your guide to easy, modern letter writing. The famous authority on letter writing, tells you everything you need to know to write clear, correct, effective letters. Here are the basic, simple and complete rules for : ! ? :; & ' - ! grammar and punctuation * correct stationary * proper form * envelopes * special forms of address* and every kind of business, personal and social letters. With hundreds of specimen letters to guide you! The unique, detailed table of contents will show you where to find the immediate and specific answer to any letter writing problem for any occasion.