Building Bridges: Connecting Faculty, Students, and the College Library
Packed with useful tips and techniques, this handy guide offers advice on working with both students and instructors to develop successful assignments that integrate your library's resources. Managing relationships among faculty and students can be complicated, "Building Bridges" shows how you can establish effective liaisons, with: tips to alert instructors of the library's ever-changing resources in order to craft stimulating, up-to-date assignments
This classic work, first published in 1892, offers scores of stimulating, mind-expanding games and puzzles: arithmetical and geometrical problems, chessboard recreations, magic squares, map-coloring problems, cryptography and cryptanalysis, much more. "A must to add to your mathematics library" — The Mathematics Teacher.
In "Hosting a Library Mystery", Elizabeth Karle capitalizes on our delight of the genre through this unique, interactive programming guide. Karle's innovative and interactive ideas will coax children on a quest to learn about pirates, college students to uncover the research tools needed for class, or new patrons to discover the riches of the library's collection. "Hosting a Library Mystery" contains five complete mystery scripts, each targeted to a different audience, but all original, expertly created, and thoroughly researched.
Well written and accessible to undergraduates or anybody who would like to obtain a quick but well-rounded introduction to fractal analysis. It is highly recommended and will certainly find a well-deserving place on many bookshelves. -- Peter R. Massopust Mathematical Reviews The subject matter of this book is important to all mathematical scientists... Is this a good book for your library? It's better than that. Put this slim volume in your backpack next time you hiking by the sea. -- Michael F. Barnsley SIAM Review
Join the countless professionals who have benefited from the best "how to" storytelling guide available today. Storytelling: Art and Technique is a proven handbook and selection tool that shows you how to select, prepare, and tell stories to and for children aged 3 to 13. Ideal for both beginning and experienced storytellers working in public or school library settings, this useful volume reveals the storyteller's art--from planning through performance.