How Languages Are Learned (Lightbrown and Spada)From the back cover: "This book provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to first and second language acquisition. By understanding how languages are learned, teachers will be better able to judge the merits of different teaching methodologies and textbooks, and to make the most of the time they spend with learners. The book presents the main theories of language acquisition, and considers the implications of these for language teaching. It discusses the effects of factors such as intelligence, personality, and age on language learning.
The Linguist on Language. How to learn languages in the age of the Internet." I have been learning languages for over 40 years and during that time I have developed very specific methods for successful language learning. In my book you will find the story of how I came to speak 10 languages and how I have gradually developed my own system for language learning. Along the way you will see how speaking many languages has brought me personal success and enjoyment." "Please feel free to use this book anyway you want but make no changes please. You can share it, post it, print it, or copy it.
Emotions across Languages and Cultures by Anna Wierzbicka
In this ground-breaking book, Anna Wierzbicka brings psychological, anthropological and lingusitic insights to bear on our understanding of the way emotions are expressed and experienced in different cultures, languages, and social relations.