As the old guard of SF ages, we are getting more novels of nostalgia. Heinlein is less sentimental than many of his generation but his new book resembles both the latest Bradbury, in making the author the protagonist, and the latest Asimov, in returning to a popular series from early in his career (Future History). Like Heinlein, Richard Ames is an ex-military man turned writer who fancies himself a pundit.
For more than a quarter century Military History has provided its readers well-researched, engaging articles that educate as they entertain. In each issue our award-winning writers and historians reach back across the sweep of recorded human history, bringing to life the world's pivotal wars and warriors—profiling the great generals, assessing key conflicts, strolling hallowed ground, sharing the stories of the many and honoring the selfless sacrifice of a few. We also bring you up to date with the latest history news and reviews of the best writing in the genre. Our striking design blends select archival images with cutting-edge graphics and maps and lush illustrations.
On the mend after getting run out of Chicago, professional cardsharp Bill Maynard is hungry for some action--but not nearly as hungry as Joyce Rogers, the tantalizing wife of Bill's latest mark. Together they hatch an ingenious scheme to get rid of her husband. But in life as in poker, the other player sometimes has an ace up his sleeve...
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance Improvement
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 8 October 2014
The latest Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Psychology uses a psychological perspective, and a uniquely global focus, to review the latest literature and research in the interconnected fields of training, development, and performance appraisal.
What is education? This core textbook will help students in pursuit of this question by providing a comprehensive, gentle and reflective introduction to the initial study of education. Updated in line with the latest policies, reforms and issues within education, this third edition includes: full exploration of the historical, sociological, philosophical and psychological roots of education; a focus on all levels of education - pre-school, primary, secondary, post-16 and lifelong learning; the latest controversies and debates within education; new material on compulsory education, special educational needs and post-16 developments