Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 26 March 2011
The Devil Notebooks
Milton’s Paradise Lost. Goethe’s Faust. Aaron Spelling’s Satan’s School for Girls? Laurence A. Rickels scours the canon and pop culture in this all-encompassing study on the Devil. Continuing the work he began in his influential book The Vampire Lectures, Rickels returns with his trademark wit and encyclopedic knowledge to go mano a mano with the Prince of Darkness himself.
This book was written in 1991–1992 but incorporates elements of research that I carried out much earlier, in fact, since the beginning of the 1970s. It is an account of my work over a period of time when I was labouring ad maiorem Orientis antiquissimi gloriam only in my spare time, having had, principally for existential reasons, quite different official commitments. A further impulse towards the writing of this text has been constituted by my lectures on the archaeology of ancient Mesopotamia at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University, Prague, in 1982–1983 and then in 1990–1991.
The goal of this set of lectures is to combine two seemingly unrelated topics: (1) The study of Boolean functions, a field particularly active in computer science; (2) Some models in statistical physics, mostly percolation.
Renowned for her contributions to psychoanalytic theory, Karen Horney was also a gifted clinician and teacher of analysts. This book--a collection of her writings and lectures on analytic technique--provides the most complete record to date of Horney`s ideas about the therapeutic process. With insights far ahead of her time, Horney addresses issues that continue to concern practicing analysts.
With portraits and other illustrations. A collection of 28 lectures on the history and progress of astronomy. Some selections of these lectures are entitled: Copernicus and the motion of the Earth; Tycho Brahe and the earliest observatory; Kepler and the laws of planetary motion; Galileo and the invention of the telescope; Sir Isaac Newton; Roemer and Bradley and the velocity of light; Herschel and the motion of the fixed stars; Bessel, the distances of the stars and the discovery of the stellar planets; discovery of Neptune; tides and planetary evolution.