The Write Start - A Guide to Nurturing Writing at Every Stage, from Scribbling to Forming Letters and Writing Stories
How do you raise children who love to write? Jennifer Hallissy believes that if you give children a solid foundation of writing basics, they will develop a love of writing that lasts a lifetime. In this book, she shares the secrets for supporting young writers, from the smallest of scribblers to middle-schoolers mastering script.
Offers over 300,000 alternative and opposite words. Synonyms are given in order of usefulness, showing the most relevant synonym first. This thesaurus is suitable for all kinds of writing needs: study, letters, reports, creative writing, and for general reference.
Resumes And Cover Letters For Managers: Job-winning resumes and letters for management positions
Destined to become the bible for managers who want to make sure their resumes and cover letters open the maximum number of doors while helping them maximize in the salary negotiation process. From office manager to CEO, managers trying to relocate to or from these and other industries and fields will find helpful examples: Banking, Agriculture, School Systems, Human Resources, Restaurants, Manufacturing, Hospitality Industry, Automotive, Retail, Telecommunications, Police Force, Dentistry, Social Work, Academic Affairs, Non-Profit Organizations, Childcare, Sales, Sports, Municipalities
It's hard to imagine that it was just a year ago that we were finishing up last year's Best American Nonrequired Reading! Then again, doing last year's collection last year, as opposed to this year, seems to have been the right way to go. We took a gamble on that decision, and it paid off. Like last year, our Best American mailbag is full of letters, written in crayon and blood and begging to be answered. Let us begin.
The Teacher's Edition provides teachers with a logical, sequential guide for the development of handwriting. The sequence begins with instruction in letters containing similar formation and proper spacing between words. Instruction moves to writing words and phrases.
In the Student Workbook students practice writing letters and numbers.