This month we are celebrating the Bicentennial of May Revolution. Our two-hundred-year history gives us plenty of opportunities to provide our students with activities specially designed according to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) programme, so just thumb through this issue and find a wide variety of suggestions and exercises for different levels. As an extra bonus to add to our celebration, we are very glad to present Life in Colonial Times, a free booklet that will give your students information and practice on the organisation of society at that time.
Level 4 takes learners from intermediate to upper-intermediate standard (approximately at First Certificate level). It can be used with learners who have studied previous levels of the course, or as an independent upper-intermediate course.
Audio added Thanks to floarea / PB + TB kindly added by Vlado2005
Absolute Science: Year 8 Non-specialist Teacher's Pack
"Absolute Science" is a self-contained scheme aimed at pupils ranging between levels three and six with extension material for pupils working at levels seven and eight. It matches the QCA Scheme of Work and provides support for the Key Stage 3 programme of study.
Absolute Science: Non-specialist Teacher Pack Year 7"Absolute Science" is a self-contained scheme aimed squarely at pupils ranging between levels three and six with plenty of extension material for pupils working at levels seven and eight. It matches the QCA Scheme of Work and supplies transition material from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3.
"Absolute Science" is a self-contained scheme aimed at pupils ranging between levels three and six with extension material for pupils working at levels seven and eight. It matches the QCA Scheme of Work and provides support for the Key Stage 3 programme of study.