Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architecture
Living Systems surveys a wide array of innovative approaches to material technologies within the field of landscape architecture. The selected projects and materials exhibit a contemporary demand for technological landscapes and the collaboration between designers, engineers, scientists and ecologists.
Projects featured include works by West8, GROSS.MAX, Weiss-Manfredi Architects, Field Operations, BIG, StoSS, DIRT Studio, and Vogt Landschaftarchitekten.
Wind, Sand and Stars is a recounting of several episodes in Saint-Exupery's life as a pilot, told to illustrate his view of the world, and especially his opinions of what makes life worth living, and who we are or should be. He was a wonderfully insightful individual, and his prose and ideas are the sort of thing you'll carry with you for years.
Cell Scientists: Discovering How Cells Work (Science Readers: Life Science)Connect content-area literacy and science with differentiated readers featuring lab activities and profiles of related scientitists.
British scientist Robert Hooke built an early microscope and was the first scientist to observe cells and give them their name.
Are you thinking about becoming a vegan? Already a practicing vegan? More than 3 million Americans currently live a vegan lifestyle, and that number is growing. Living Vegan For Dummies is your one-stop resource for understanding vegan practices, sharing them with your friends and loved ones, and maintaining a vegan way of life.