Walking Dickens' London: The Time Traveller's Guide
Drawing upon Dickens’ life and work, from museums and monuments to hidden alleys, mews and courtyards; from railway stations and riverside taverns to grim slums and gaslight – Dickens’ London : A Timetraveller’s Guide is an indispensable guide for anyone exploring Victorian London.
Japanese do things better, this book may be the ideal antidote. Even the Japanese are quick to admit that despite their enthusiasm for learning it, they still have a certain amount of difficulty with the English language.
Jack London “Stories” /Джек Лондон “Рассказы”
Автор: Лондон Д. Адаптация, примечания, предисловие и словарь: В.Д.Рахманова. Год выпуска: 1953 Количество страниц: 100 Сборник предназначен для чтения в 9-м классе средней школы.
Far from the traditional march through the decades, genres, and national literatures, this anthology focuses on literary "hot spots": Freud's Vienna and Conrad's Congo in 1899, Chicago and London in 1912, the Somme in July 1916, Dublin, London, and Harlem in 1922, all the way through to Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize in Stockholm in 1993 and September 11, 2001. The Companion launches a controversial new method for understanding twentieth-century world literary history and includes illuminating critiques from expert contributors.
"The Sea Wolf" is a fascinating story of the gentleman Humphrey van Weyden, who got shipwrecked and gets picked up by the sealing-schooner "Ghost". Here he is confronted with the sadistic philosophy and violent action of the highly intelligent Wolf Larson. "The Sea Wolf" is one of the most impressive documents of American naturalism, and probably the most famous adventure-story in the world.