• COVER:The Osprey: A Flying Shame - $20 billion later, the V-22 Osprey arrives in Iraq to make its combat debut — lacking firepower and the ability to land safely
• TECHNOLOGY: The Worm That Roared - The most sophisticated virus of all time may be a front for a new kind of organized crime
• SCIENCE: Souped-Up Telescope - An observatory in California may outperform the orbiting Hubble--without ever leaving the ground
• SOCIETY: Till Work Do Us Part - Desirable jobs lead some dual-career couples into dual-address marriages--with surprising bonuses
• COVER:Fight for the Top Of the World - As global warming melts the Arctic ice, dreams of a short sea passage to Asia--and riches beneath the surface--have been revived. With Russia planting a flag on the ocean floor at the North Pole, Canada talking tough and Washington wanting to be a player, who will win the world's new Great Game?
• WORLD: China's Olympic Warmup - A year before Beijing hosts the Summer Games, the country is feverishly preparing for its chance to show it is ready to take its place among the Great Powers — on its own terms
• SCIENCE: Little Green Schoolhouse - As students learn about energy efficiency, their school buildings increasingly practice it
• HEALTH & MEDICINE: The Caffeine Habit - Time was, you got your lift from a cup of joe. Now more and more products come with a kick