Medical Terminology: A Living Language (6th Edition)
Added by: guriy | Karma: 4608.64 | ESP, Medicine | 20 March 2017
Medical Terminology: A Living Language (6th Edition)
Build a strong foundation of medical terminology, step by step.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language uses a carefully constructed learning system to help readers gain a successful grasp of medical language within a real-world context.
Dr. Brett Ferdinand was awarded numerous scholarships en route to graduating with honors in a B.Sc. program. More than ten years ago, confident that he would one day be a doctor fulfilled his passion for teaching by creating The Medical School Preparatory Course (MSPC), which has become a perennial lecture series through The course was the first to teach both the MCAT and the details of the admissions process. After excelling at the MCAT, Dr. Brett Ferdinand was accepted by all the medical schools to which he applied. During medical school he continued to teach and then completed: The Gold Standard MCAT text.
This medical dictionary is a private project that endeavors to offer high quality and free of any charge medical information to whose individuals involved in learning and practicing human medicine.
XTerm Medical Dictionary has a filter-based service that presents a catalogue of descriptions of carefully selected health and medical Internet resources. The information provided should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.
OSCEs for Medical Finals has been written by doctors from a variety of specialties with extensive experience of medical education and of organising and examining OSCEs. The book and website package consists of the most common OSCE scenarios encountered in medical finals, together with checklists, similar to OSCE mark schemes, that cover all of the key learning points students need to succeed. Each topic checklist contains comprehensive exam–focussed advice on how to maximise performance together with a range of insider′s tips′ on OSCE strategy and common OSCE pitfalls.