Whether you believe that space aliens are coming to Earth to solve all our problems so we don't have to do any work to fix them ourselves, or you believe that going to a faith healer or New Age huckster rather than relying on medical science to heal you is the right course of medical care, believing in things uncritically can be bad for you and bad for society. Carl Sagan felt that it was the right thing — the morally conscientious thing — to work against those trends. And he wrote his essays…
The New Complete Book of Food: A Nutritional, Medical, and Culinary Guide
A completely updated edition of the popular food guide, "The New Complete Book of Food, Second Edition" provides the nutritional, medical, culinary, and consumer information essential to planning a good diet and properly handling food. In more than 300 A-to-Z entries, this comprehensive new resource catalogs the physical, chemical, and medical properties of food; their benefits and hidden dangers; how foods change when they are processed or cooked; how to properly select, prepare, and store food; and, much, much more.
This book describes the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instructions for their cure. The sick have been held hostage for their money or intangible assets since time immemorial. Doctors, even primitive and natural healers, surround themselves with mystery as they use herbs or chemicals and incantations or 'prognoses' to help the sick recover. Today, the medical industry (doctors and their suppliers and insurers) take a significant amount of the worker's earnings.
Atlas of Procedures in Surgical Oncology With Critical, Evidence-based Commentary Notes
This unique book presents a series of concisely written technical notes on common procedures in surgical oncology. Each operation is illustrated with pictures framing precise technical points. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM that includes video clips of the procedures. Written by top European experts, this volume will provide an invaluable resource for young surgical oncologists to familiarize with technical details, develop a critical approach and expand their surgical skills.
The Mathematics of Medical Imaging: A Beginners Guide
This text explores medical imaging, one of the most significant areas of recent mathematical applications, in a concise manner accessible to undergraduate students. The author emphasizes the mathematical aspects of medical imaging, including not only the theoretical background, but also the role of approximation methods and the computer implementation of the inversion algorithms.