• COVER: The Changing Face Of Breast Cancer - Once a disease of the Western world, breast cancer has become a global concern. How women, doctors and communities are fighting back and bringing hope to those in need • SCIENCE: Eco-Rebels - Few still doubt climate change is real, but now the skeptics are questioning the best way to deal with it • HEALTH & MEDICINE: When Yoga Hurts - • SOCIETY: Fatherhood 2.0 - • ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: The Oddball - • PEOPLE: 10 Questions for George Clooney -
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, Volume 1-6, Fourth Edition
The Encyclopedia of Medicine, Fourth Edition, is a health reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of health topics such as diseases, disorders and conditions, treatments and diagnostic tests, diets, alternative treatments, and prevention. The publisher believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare practitioners.
This second, completely updated and extended edition of the only reference work in this growing field of medical physics focuses on biomagnetic instrumentation as well as applications in cardiology and neurology. New chapters have been added on fetal magnetography and magnetic field therapy, as well as the safety aspects of magnetic fields. Following an introductory section, the well-known specialist authors go on to cover biomagnetism, magnetic resonances, as well as magnetic substances and externally applied magnetic fields, before rounding the text off with a set of conclusions.
Oxford Textbook of Medicine (3-Volume Set), 5 edition
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is the foremost international textbook of medicine. Unrivaled in its coverage of the scientific aspects and clinical practice of internal medicine and its subspecialties, it is a fixture in the offices and wards of physicians around the world. More comprehensive, more authoritative, and more international than any other textbook, it focuses on offering practical guidance on clinical management and the prevention of disease.
Medicine teaches pre-work students to communicate accurately and effectively in English, with patients and colleagues.
Additional activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Book make the course suitable for mixed-ability classes The Teacher's Resource Book provides specialist background to the industry for every unit, as well as industry tips to support non-expert teachers