Fungus feeds off of other living organisms and therefore grows on them. Mushrooms, yeast and mold are examples of this simple organism. How do they come to be and how do they affect us? Learn how fungi release chemicals to digest the substances they live off. Discover some of the unique uses of things like yeast and mold for food and medicine.
First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Boards (FIRST AID Specialty Boards) By Barbara Blok, Dickson Cheung, Timothy Platts-Mills
* Number Of Pages: 954 * Publication Date: 2009-04-15
Product Description: An "insider's guide" for success on the Emergency Medicine written board and in-service exams written by residents and junior faculty.
The Virtopsy Approach: 3D Optical and Radiological Scanning and Reconstruction in Forensic Medicine By Michael J. Thali, Richard Dirnhofer, Peter Vock
* Number Of Pages: 536 * Publication Date: 2009-05-14
Product Description: Charred, badly decomposed, or mummified corpses, and restrictions found in conservative branches of some religions often make autopsies impossible to perform. In addition, backlogs at the coroner’s office can create situations where the personnel required to do the autopsies cannot keep up with the cases.
Professionals will find a wide range of topics relevant to their work with hearing impaired children or those suspected of having an impairment in this book.
All the essentials of critical care in an instant! This concise, yet comprehensive review is the perfect tool to prepare for in-service or licensing exams, for re-certification, or for use as a clinical refresher.