Intensive Care Medicine: Annual Update 2008 By Jean-Louis Vincent The Update compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book.
Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine / Annual volumes 2009 The Yearbook compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book.
Proceedings of the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST 825) Symposium on Mammary Gland Biology, held September 16--18, 1999, in Tours, France.
This book represents one of the best of its kind. Each chapter represents an excellent point of well-referenced initial contact to the increasing number of funded investigators interested in the biology of the mammary gland.
Color atlas of neonatology. Volume one of a five volume set covering a full range of dermatologic, cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, neurologic, and musculoskeletal disorders, genetics, and syndromes.
Written by residents, fellows, and attending physicians, this handbook is ideal for residents called on to do an inpatient consult, for students working on an inpatient medicine service, and for specialists seeking information on pulmonology and general internal medicine management. Chapters cover pulmonary function testing, respiratory failure, hemoptysis, solitary pulmonary nodule, community-acquired pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, and much more.