Want to retain more of what you read, perform better on tests, or just remember where you left your car keys? Author Ron Fry's effective system has helped thousands of people successfully adapt today's best memorization techniques to their own needs and situations. Packed with quizzes designed to pinpoint your specific trouble spots--as well as proven strategies for any memory-based task-- IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY is the only book you need to improve your memory power for a lifetime.
Haunted by Atrocity: Civil War Prisons in American Memory (Making the Modern South)
In Haunted by Atrocity, Benjamin G. Cloyd deftly analyzes how Americans have remembered the military prisons of the Civil War from the war itself to the present, making a strong case for the continued importance of the great conflict in contemporary America.
The Civil War retains a powerful hold on the American imagination, with each generation since 1865 reassessing its meaning and importance in American life. This volume collects twelve essays by leading Civil War scholars who demonstrate how the meanings of the Civil War have changed over time.
Use this notebook to record, revise and remember new vocabulary. Use the Memory Tips to improve your memory. When you finish a memory gym in the Student's book, do the wordstore exercises to record the new words. Write other words from each unit on the word/meaning pages of the Wordstore. Note the stress, meaning and translation. Is there a similar word in your own language? Use the wordlist to check pronunciation. Use blank pages for your classwork and homework.
The Memory Book: The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play
Unleash the hidden power of your mind through Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas's simple, fail-safe memory system, and you can become more effective, more imaginative, and more powerful, at work, at school, in sports and play. Discover how easy it is to: file phone numbers, data, figures, and appointments right in your head; learn foreign words and phrases with ease; read with speed--and greater understanding; shine in the classroom--and shorten study hours; dominate social situations, and more.