The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca
Uncover the magic and truth behind this compelling topic In more than 480 entries, “The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca, Third Edition” is an exciting update to one of the landmark references on the subject – by paranormal expert Rosemary Ellen Guiley. This new edition provides unparalleled coverage of witchcraft practices around the world – spanning different time periods and societies – including entries on magic, shamanism, the occult, and wizardry.
Grade 9 Up—This user-friendly, comprehensive, and informative resource traces the history of Western magic and alchemy, from their origins in ancient Egypt to the 20th century. It emphasizes rituals, materials, literature, practitioners, and the presence of magic as an undercurrent in everyday life. Alphabetically arranged, absorbing entries cover a plethora of subjects such as curses, divination, Tarot, kabbalah, Harry Potter (complete with a glossary of Potter magic), Grigori Rasputin, J. R. R. Tolkien, and sorcery and witchcraft.
You will have 110 superb magic tricks, most of which can be performed with simple everyday objects. Once learned, you will be able to mystify and entertain no matter where you are. Read and follow the illustrated instructions carefully and regularly practice and rehearse the tricks until you feel completely confident.
The word 'magic' evokes many ideas, from a stage magician performing illusions to the pyrotechnics of witches and wizards depicted in movies and on television. But there is a more practical definition of magic - the attempt to affect the real world, one's self, or other people by tapping into mental abilities and unseen mystical forces. The keys to doing this have been closely guarded in the past, leading to the perception of magic as an occult pursuit. Yet, magic and magical traditions have existed in some form in almost every culture throughout history.
A perfect combination between education and diversion: stories, songs and games have been developed and made by a team of qualified experts in the education of the English.