The thoroughly updated Fifth Edition of this Spiral® Manual is a practical, accessible guide to the management of patients with cancer. In an outline format designed for rapid reference, the book provides the essential information needed for fast, effective clinical decision-making at the bedside.
Clinical Guidelines - Diagnosis and treatment manual for curative programmes in hospitals and dispensaries
This work lists the main diseases encountered by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) since 1971. It is intended for all medical professionals working in hospitals and clinics. The handbook has been thoroughly researched by taking into account MSF’ experience, recommendations made by reference organisations such as the WHO, and indications given by specialist workers. It has been designed as an effective and reliable source of information.
The Haidao Suanjing or Sea Island Mathematical Manual, is one of the "Ten Classics" of traditional Chinese mathematics, and its contents demonstrate the high standards of theoretical and mathematical sophistication present in early Chinese surveying theory. The Haidao composed in A.D. 263 by Liu Hui, established the mathematical procedures for much of East Asian surveying activity for the next one thousand years.
American Cinematographer Manual (ASC Manual) is a book referenced by thousands of professionals with precise and easy to understand information. Insight to many of the motion picture cameras used in the industry (and independent scene) as well as a lot of pratical information regarding lenses, light principals, depth of field charts and more.
Exercise and Solutions Manual to Accompany Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics
This exercise and solutions manual accompanies Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics, Second Edition. Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics deals with all the major topics, summarizes the important approaches, and gives students a coherent angle on all aspects of macroeconomic thought. Each chapter of the manual contains short answer questions followed by longer intermediate and advanced exercises. Hints and tips as well as full solutions are provided making this an invaluable aid to the main text.