New Thinking in Technical Analysis: Trading Models from the Masters
Sometimes even the most thorough homework on fundamentals fails to pinpoint the best time to buy a stock or take profits. Technical analysis helps market players predict the price behavior of a stock, commodity, or any financial instrument, giving clues about the course a trade may take in the coming weeks and months. When market timing is of the essence in making logical, informed decisions about a trade's future, technical analysis is the tool.
Markets trend: up, down and sideways. Stocks never stand still. Knowing this, how can you consistently profit from the Australian stock market? In Trade My Way, best-selling author and sharemarket expert Alan Hull reveals his two short-term trading strategies—active trading and breakout trading. These tried-and-tested strategies will help you turn a profit no matter which way the stock market is trending.
How the Stock Market Works: A Beginner's Guide to Investment
Some people might see the current recession as the very worst time to invest in the stock market, but many of the world's most successful investors insist that a market downturn is the very moment when people should be investing.
Sell Short: A Simpler, Safer Way to Profit When Stocks Go Down
Praise for Sell Short "I know of no other book designed for the needs of the individual investor or trader looking to make money on a broken company or market segment. He turned shorting stocks from something many see as 'the dark side' of investing into a great way to make money in any market." —Toby Smith, panelist, Fox News Channel's Bulls and Bears and founder and editor, ChangeWave Investing
*The basic premise of this book is to long stock and delta hedge w/ out of the money warrants. This was great when the tax incentives encouraged corporations to sell bonds w/ detachable warrants rather than selling convertible bonds. In addition, valuing the warrants was tricky prior to the use of the Black-Scholes model. This strategy - delta neutral covered calls - is profitable when the market has peaked out but you can get your handed to you if you employ it in a scenario such as '99-'00. Further their reocmmendations that you short more as your warrants fall is very dangerous - shorting a lot of gamma.