Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » GRE | 10 March 2018
Master theTM GRE General Test 2018 is your guidebook for navigating the GRE General Test. The GRE General Test is designed to effectively predict test-takers’ overall perfor- mance in graduate school. Its emphasis is on the test-takers’ ability to think. You’ll see that in the design of questions. You’ll find reading comprehension questions that ask you to critique the validity of an author’s argument or ask you to identify information that supports an author’s argument. Other questions in the Verbal Reasoning section ask you to select the best word choice based on analyzing the context of a sentence or passage.
Provide your students with frequent, focused skills practice with this Reproducible Teacher's Edition. The reproducible format and additional teacher resources give you everything you need to help students master and retain basic skills
A step by step guide for a strong English Foundation
This book is a comprehensive reference on the subject of English Grammar. It is organized into easy to master lessons with examples that are easy to understand.
Master your grammar skills. Тренажер по английской грамматике
Пособие содержит большое количество тренировочных упражнений и тесты. Целью предлагаемого пособия является активизация и совершенствование употребления основных грамматических конструкций на английском языке. Адресуется учащимся 4-го класса учреждений общего среднего образования. Пособие может быть полезным для родителей. Его могут использовать учителя для организации учебного процесса как на уроках, так и на факультативных занятиях.
The Easiest Way to Knit in the Fair Isle Style! Get ready to make your next knitting project an exhilarating journey with the spectacular designs featured in Fair Isle Sweaters Simplified. Drenched in color and shaped for the utmost comfort, these rich, multihued sweaters use a remarkably simple two-handed method that takes just a few minutes to learn and a few evenings to master. A dazzling array of colors, from traditional heathers and bright, bold tones to calm-and-cool hues, will make your knitting an exciting new adventure.