BARK, GEORGE Grades: PreK–2 Author:Jules Feiffer Illustrator:Jules Feiffer George likes to please his mother, but when she tells him to bark he says "meow" and "quack-quack" and "oink" and "moo" - until she takes him to the vet, who finally figures out what's going on with George. Or does he? Children will roar with laughter at this funny, silly story, told by the master of foolishness and farce, Jules Feiffer. Narrated by John Lithgow. Directed by Gene Deitch.
MyGrammarLab is a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources that ensures you have all the information and practice you need to master English grammar.
Clear and easy to understand explanations of grammatical rules ; - authentic examples illustrating the rules of grammar; - various types of tasks for training, retention and use of grammatical forms in everyday situations; - information about common mistakes in grammar and pronunciation; - each level grammar textbooks correlated with the scale of the Euro- nN (Common European Framework).
Comebacks at Work: Using Conversation to Master Confrontation
A handbook for anyone who's ever walked away from a work confrontation, fuming--only to think of the perfect rejoinder an hour later. Reardon (The Secret Handshake) breaks down the art of the comeback, emphasizing preparation, keeping your cool, and handling conflicts with a carefully thought-out strategy, pointing out that each of us is at least 75% responsible for how people respond to us. She helps readers change their mindsets, getting past the mental models learned early in life that we later use for dealing with emotional or threatening issues at work.
Relentlessly advancing towards Collegium, the Empire is again seeking to break down its walls. The mighty imperial armies have learnt from their failures, and Empress Seda will brook no weakness in her soldiers. However, Stenwold Maker has earned his title, and the War Master has strategies to save his city. His aviators rule the skies – but the Wasp Kinden Empire has developed a terrifying new aerial weapon.
Master The Officer Candidate Tests: Targeted Test Prep to Jump-Start Your Career
Every year, the U.S. Armed Forces commissions thousands of new officers. Master the Officer Candidate Tests provides candidates with the preparation they need to achieve high scores on the required qualifying exam. Key topics for each military branch’s-specific exam are covered in detail, from verbal reasoning and math to mechanics and electronics. Test takers are also provided with the most current information on career opportunities in the military, with specific job descriptions for all five branches.