This book contains the problems and solutions of a famous Hungarian mathematics competition for high school students, from 1929 to 1943. The competition is the oldest in the world, and started in 1894. Two earlier volumes in this series contain the papers up to 1928, and further volumes are planned. The current edition adds a lot of background material which is helpful for solving the problems therein and beyond. Multiple solutions to each problem are exhibited, often with discussions of necessary background material or further remarks. This feature will increase the appeal of the book to experienced mathematicians as well as the beginners for whom it is primarily intended.
This book contains the problems and solutions of a famous Hungarian mathematics competition for high school students. There are multiple solutions to each problem, often with discussions of background material or further remarks. This will widen the appeal of the book beyond the beginners for whom it is primarily intended.
This book contains the problems and solutions of a famous Hungarian mathematics competition for high school students. There are multiple solutions to each problem, often with discussions of background material or further remarks. This will widen the appeal of the book beyond the beginners for whom it is primarily intended.
Пособие содержит 3000 примеров на повторение и закрепление фонетического, лексического и грамматического материала, изучаемого на уроках английского языка во 2 классе. The manual contains 3000 examples on revision and consolidation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical material in the classroom to learn the English language in class 2.
Added by: rapgreen | Karma: 1035.14 | Other | 16 April 2009
Cross-cultural challenges are part of today’s life. An e-learning course never stands alone. To a learner from a different cultural background than the instructor’s, an elearning course also acts as a window on another culture. The material may contain many clues about the social assumptions of the society in which it was created. Along with the material, the student may be faced with additional practices such as how to subscribe, and how to be supervised and graded. All these elements of learning can be quite valuable for the learner, even though they are not in the terms of reference. What is more, they cannot be customized away. And I would put it even more strongly: They should not necessarily be customized away. People in general, and learners in particular, are very good at making their own translation from what an e-learning tool offers into what they need from it.