WHO - International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd Edition
The third edition of the International Medical Guide for Ships shows designated first-aid providers how to diagnose, treat, and prevent the health problems of seafarers on board ship.
This is a radio programme suitable for those studying/working in the health sector. A valuable source of medical English and authentic listening material.
Dr Mark Porter gives listeners the low-down on what the medical profession does and doesn't know. Each week an expert in the studio tackles a particular topic and there are reports from around the UK on the health of the nation - and the NHS.
Univ. of Toledo, OH. Textbook of medical terminology students. Provides the basic techniques of medical word building. Full-color, user-friendly format. Previous edition: c1995.
Contents at a Glance CHAPTER 1 Basic Elements of a Medical Word 1 CHAPTER 2 Suffixes 13 CHAPTER 3 Prefixes 29 CHAPTER 4 Body Structure 39 CHAPTER 5 Integumentary System 71 7th edition added
Medical Education for the Future: Identity, Power and Location
The purpose of medical education is to benefit patients by improving the work of doctors. Patient centeredness is a centuries old concept in medicine, but there is still a long way to go before medical education can truly be said to be patient centered. Ensuring the centrality of the patient is a particular challenge during medical education, when students are still forming an identity as trainee doctors, and conservative attitudes towards medicine and education are common amongst medical teachers, making it hard to bring about improvements.