English-Russian Russian-English Medical Dictionary and Phrasebook
The Routledge English-Russian Russian-English Medical Dictionary and Phrasebook is the first full-size English-Russian bilingual Medical Dictionary that covers a broad range of up-to-date medical terminology.
This is a radio programme suitable for those studying/working in the health sector. A valuable source of medical English and authentic listening material.
Check Up is phone-in programme where listeners have the chance to talk to doctors about the health issues that most concern them. Each week Barbara Myers is joined by a medical expert to take their calls and emails on a particular topic and give them the most up to date advice. No appointment necessary.
The definitive guide to a career in medicine. This book will help students to decide whether a course in medicine is the right career path for them. As well as information on courses, schools and making an application, students will find out what to expect from life as a medical student and doctor.