A highly focused and highly affordable review of the major concepts of emergency medicine. "USMLE Road Map: Emergency Medicine" offers an easy-to-follow outline format that simplifies and speeds the mastering of the essential concepts of emergency medicine. High-yield facts, learning, tips, and clear explanations integrated within the outline promote comprehension and recall; clinical correlations integrated within the outline link topics to their clinical applications.
Pediatric Practice Sports Medicine By Dilip Patel, Donald Greydanus, Robert Baker A treatment-focused guide for sports-related health issues in children and adolescents 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW " The book does an outstanding job of describing the etiology, presentation, evaluation, and treatment of various problems, providing a quick and valuable resource for practitioners.
Emergency Medicine Q&A: Pearls of Wisdom contains more than 800 multiple-choice questions to prepare students for the written section of their certification exam. Ideal for those planning for certification, recertification, or the annual in-service exam, it focuses on core content required for the boards.
Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult
By Joseph E. Parrillo, R. Phillip Dellinger Here's the most clinically oriented critical care text focusing on the adult patient. In full-color and superbly illustrated with clinical photographs, imaging studies, and management algorithms, and with a broad multidisciplinary focus, this text will help you enhance your skills at any level of training.