Effectiveness of Time Investments in Education: Insights from a review and meta-analysis
This book analyzes the productivity and effectiveness of a variety of time investments in education. It explores the methods used in education to optimize the time that students are exposed to learning content. Such methods include expanding official school time, optimizing “time on task”, providing homework assignments, and creating learning opportunities beyond lesson hours.
Teaching and Learning the European Union - Traditional and Innovative Methods
This volume examines the EU’s changing educational context and its challenges. Based on an extensive survey of more than 2000 European Studies courses in 30 European countries, it maps and analyses the features of teaching methodologies as they emerge from both disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary curricula.
Educating Exceptional Children is a comprehensive survey program that introduces students to each disability category as well as covering the needs of children who are gifted and talented. The Twelfth Edition continues to focus on the strengths previous editions, providing practical applications on adapting teaching methods, curriculum, and settings, and also offering analysis of ecological factors that influence the exceptional child in and out of the classroom.
As the first book ever published for public administration statistics courses, APPLIED STATISTICS FOR PUBLIC AND NONPROFIT ADMINISTRATION makes a difficult subject accessible to students and practitioners of public administration who have little background in statistics or research methods. Steeped in experience and practice, this landmark text remains the first and best in research methods and statistics for students and practitioners in public--and nonprofit--administration.
Assessment in Rehabilitation and Health is the first and only text tailored specifically for students seeking a structured foundation of knowledge of tests and related assessment practices commonly used by health professionals in their various fields.