The Italian master explains why he always insists on exhaustive research and discusses ecological issues such as roof energy accumulation capacity. His knowledge of the structural strengths of various natural fibres and thermal insulation goes hand in hand with his scheme of avoiding non-renewable energy sources. Intelligent buildings, methods of recycling, understanding of topography all fit into the overall architectural design. The most advanced building systems are also inexpensive in forming ecological spaces.
QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN, INTERVIEWING AND ATTITUDE MEASUREMENTThis second edition of Dr Bram Oppenheim's established work, like the first, is a practical teaching text of survey methods. The new edition has extended its scope to include interviewing (both clip-board and depth interviewing), sampling and research design, data analysis, and a special chapter on pilot work. As before, the chapters on questionnaire design are supported by further chapters on attitude scaling methods, and on projective techniques.
This fully updated sixth edition of the international bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods currently employed by educational research at all stages. It is divided into five main parts: the context of educational research; planning educational research; styles of educational research; strategies for data collection and researching; and data analysis. The book also contains references to a comprehensive dedicated website of accompanying materials.
Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics
Applied work in business and economics often require a solid understanding of econometric methods to support decision making. This book provides this, encouraging an active engagement with these methods by means of examples and exercises, so that the student develops a working understanding and hands-on experience with current day econometrics.
Revered as the standard reference for chemists for more than 60 years, this new edition of Lange's brings chemistry professionals, students, and anyone interested in science an enormous compilation of facts, data, tabular material, and experimental findings in every area of chemistry. Included in this massive compendium are listings of the properties of approximately 4,000 organic and 1,400 inorganic compounds. The 15th Edition includes new material on separation methods and analytical chemistry; statistical methods; polymers; rubbers, fats, oils, and waxes; new inorganic compounds