This classic book gives a thorough introduction to constructive algebraic number theory, and is therefore especially suited as a textbook for a course on that subject. It also provides a comprehensive look at recent research. For experimental number theoreticians, the authors developed new methods and obtained new results of great importance for them.
Research for Social Workers: An Introduction to Methods, 2 Ed
Research for Social Workers is an accessible introduction to research methods specifically needed in social work and social welfare. It outlines the major stages of research projects step by step, covering both quantitative and qualitative methods. It offers explanations of how to combine these two traditions in practice, as well as guidelines to analyzing results and reporting.
Asymptotic methods provide important tools for approximating and analysing functions that arise in probability and statistics. Moreover, the conclusions of asymptotic analysis often supplement the conclusions obtained by numerical methods. Providing a broad toolkit of analytical methods, Expansions and Asymptotics for Statistics shows how asymptotics, when coupled with numerical methods, becomes a powerful way to acquire a deeper understanding of the techniques used in probability and statistics.
Immerse yourself in the communications experience by building equipment that contributes to understanding basic concepts and circuits. Explore wide dynamic range, low distortion radio equipment, the use of direct conversion and phasing methods, and digital signal processing. Use the models and discussion to design, build and measure equipment at both the circuit and the system level. Laced with new unpublished projects and illustrated with CW and SSB gear.
Numerical and Analytical Methods for Scientists and Engineers Using Mathematica* The electronic component of the book is based on the widely used and highly praised Mathematica software package.
* Each chapter of the bookis a Mathematica notebook with links to web-based material. * The methods are applied to a range of problems taken from physics and engineering. * The book covers elementary and advaned numerical methods used in modern scientific computing.