Lee Hammond's amazing, easy-to-follow techniques enable even first-time artists to render a variety of wonderful animals, from cats and dogs to horses, squirrels, tigers and more. Hammond's special graphing system makes all the difference, enabling the reader's brain to translate animal poses from a picture into startlingly realistic drawings on the page. Additional guidelines detail the methods used to duplicate eyes, ears, mouths, feet, fur and hides. Readers will also learn how to layer, blend and shade their work, just like the pros!
Technology-Supported Environments for Personalized Learning: Methods and Case Studies
Responding to the specific needs of each student, personalized learning has the potential to refocus education on the individual rather than the institution. Technology-Supported Environments for Personalized Learning: Methods and Case Studies explores the metaphor of anytime and anywhere individual education as well as the idea of tailoring instruction to meet individual needs.
Medical History and Physical Examination in Companion Animals
The medical history and physical examination are the most important cornerstones of clinical diagnosis. This is the only veterinary book devoted to a description of methods applicable to companion animals. The methods described are used in the veterinary schools of...
Applied Linear Algebra & Introductory Numerical Methods (video)
Applied Linear Algebra & Introductory Numerical Methods - AMATH 584 Numerical methods for solving linear systems of equations, linear least squares problems, matrix eigen value problems, nonlinear systems of equations, interpolation, quadrature, and initial value ordinary differential equations.
Renewable Energy: Sources and Methods (Green Technology)
It is difficult to identify a defining moment that turned the tide toward less-polluting energy sources, but most people today have a fresh outlook on the environment and realize the importance of conservation. In recent years, a new community of people who want alternative energies for their cars, public vehicles, and houses has emerged. "Renewable Energy" reviews the current status of technologies in renewable energy, a critical subject since the world now increases its energy consumption between 1 to 3 percent each year.