Added by: flame333 | Karma: 381.35 | Fiction literature | 16 February 2012
Sirensong (2011)
When Dana is invited to Faerie to be officially presented at the Seelie Court, it's no easy decision. After all, everyone knows Titania, the Seelie Queen, wants her dead. But Titania claims not to be the one behind the death threats; and her son, Prince Henry, makes the decision a whole lot easier when he suggests Dana might be arrested for (supposedly) conspiring with her aunt Grace to usurp the Seelie throne. So she and her father better do as they're told.
Added by: deception | Karma: 319.20 | Black Hole | 31 January 2012
World's Hardest Puzzles
With this puzzle book you start with super hard and move on up to out-of-this-world hard. The illustrations throughout might help and the answers are in the back.
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250 Ways to Say It in Business English is for people who want a quick guide on what to say in common situations. Five examples have been written for each function to give readers the opportunity to find the phrase that suits their needs best. The last thirty-three examples refer exclusively to telephoning. Language learners might consider printing and keeping the list near the phone so they can browse through it when they know an international call is coming.
Pay attention to these insects on the move--locusts! Usually, locusts live alone. When there is lots of food, the locust population grows. But when the weather turns dry and grasses die, the locusts are forced to live close together, and they go through amazing changes. Their colors become brighter, and their eyes become larger. They fly off in great swarms searching for food. Millions of locusts might land in a farmer's field and have a feast. When nothing green is left, the swarm flies off again. After they finally run out of food, the locusts separate and change again.
Psst! It's true! This is the best book on POISONS you'll ever read! There's poison in pips, harm in herbs and definitely death in dyes. Poison is everywhere! Read about toxic wallpaper that killed even bedbugs. Find out why buns were bad for bun-buyers and how a poison might cure cancer. Bone up on murder mysteries, including the one about glow-in-the-dark soup. But don't tell anyone how much you know, or they might lock you up. WARNING contains toxic tales and putrid potions DO NOT SWALLOW