TTC - Effective Communication Skills 2011 Teaching Company
Talk is something you do every day. And your life is literally shaped by it. Many of the decisions you make are decided by talking. You may be in a restaurant asking a waiter for an unusual substitution, urging a service manager to get your car finished sooner rather than later, or trying to sway your significant other toward a particular film or show. Or you might be trying to build more cooperative relationships at the office.
In Pumps, all is well on Mammoth Island when suddenly Brenda's baking shed has caught fire! Soon, the Mammoth Island Fire Brigade arrives and attempts to put the fire out, using water-filled mammoths. However, young Olive is sure that a machine might make it easier to get water to a fire. Looking at her bicycle pump, she wonders if it might be possible to create a device for pumping water. With the help of the inventor and other islanders, Olive builds a water pump that is soon put to the test and saves the summer barbecue!
32 Candles is the slightly twisted, utterly romantic, and deftly wry story of Davie Jones, who, if she doesn't stand in her own way, just might get the man of her dreams.
This book is intended to introduce a new generation of readers to a poet who after two millennia still speaks to us. It is written not for classical scholars (though they, too, might fi nd in it points of interest), but for readers of Ovid who would like to know more about what they are reading.
If you're reading this, you might be a zombie. The editors of are ready to blow your mind with their new comedy trivia book 'You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News', jam-packed with fascinating trivia including 'The Four Most Badass Presidents of All Time' and 'The Awful Truth Behind Five Items on Your Grocery List.'